I just completed my second long marathon progression run of 2 hours and 45 minutes! It was another great day to run here Arlington- mid 40's and light winds. I did my first hour of the run around 7 minute pace and did two consecutive 45 minute pace increases finishing today's run near 6 minute pace. Overall a great workout and I'm pleased with my progress. I didn't have the "punch" on my run today, but I'm healthy and progressing every week. I completed 3 solid threshold workouts this week. Today's run I did mainly on crushed gravel with exception of the final portion which I completed on the bike trail that ran parallel to the Georgetown Canal. The canal and bike path were a little busy today, but not overwhelmingly so. I actually appreciate the company and find myself more controlled and rhythmic the busier the trails are with people. As I'm running hard I tend to find myself focusing more on maintaining good form and controlling my breathing (I always feel silly passing people huffing and puffing so I really focus on breathing controlled ) Today's run concludes my third week of training since completing New York!
Thumb marks the spot! Boo!! Jordan had to stop today's run due to shin/peroneal pain and ended up walking the last 3 miles back to the car as I finished the workout!! Hoping it's very temporary and nothing serious. I'm a physical therapist so I better fix him.. no pressure, no problem!
Chocolate Outrageous GU- the real outrage was I forgot to take it with me on the run! During the workout I went to grab the GU from the side of my sports bra (I should probably find a different place as sometimes the GU packet will leave me with gashes, but it's been my GU pocket for years). No GU however today as I last minute decided to wear a different sports bra and got sidetracked afterwards. Every runner has their favorite GU- I prefer vanilla, chocolate or espresso- I'm drawn towards the GU's that have 2x the caffeine. I have tried the fruit varieties, but I'm not a fan-- too sweet! I also love chocolate and coffee so to be honest I get a bit excited every time I ingest a GU. It's like getting a candy bar or a coffee on a run. Hydration wise I always have an interesting mix -- I prefer cytomax with Electroytle Drink tablets and a dab of Crystal light pink lemonade and sometimes a dash of sparkling water. Today I added the dash. Again I am always well hydrated throughout the day and am continuing to annoyingly have to pee constantly. I guess it's an ok problem to have...
Jodan brought home a Christmas tree this week! This is my second December without snow as I was out in Oregon last year during this time. Despite enjoying training in Oregon.. it has been more ideal here as I'm not getting rained on every single run (yes it really does rain in Oregon all the time-- and I got dumped on every run for 3 months straight there). I heard from my friend Paul that Minneapolis has finally got some snow! I am headed home to Minnesota in a little over two weeks for Christmas-- I've never had a Christmas without snow and I am excited to be home for a week to see family and friends. I am hoping its at least above zero :) I'm thinking there's a small chance Minnesota might be 50 degrees....